Organisational Health

At we not only help improve the health of individuals, we also assist organisations to keep their employees in good health and spirits to ensure high productivity.
We have investigated many factors that cause financial burden and decreased productivity due to lower limb pain and injuries in the workplace.
We believe there is much more that can be done in this field.
Apart from having employee health, comfort and productivity in mind there may be secondary positive outcomes as a result of reducing foot and ankle injuries in workplace.
Studies tell us that when employees are in pain or suffer injuries there are negative impacts on the organisations. These negative impacts include:
Increased costs associated with sick leave
Workcover claims
Decreased productivity
Reduced job satisfaction
Increased employee turnover
Higher HR costs associated with dealing with the above issues and employee replacement
Some questions that are worth considering
How can we reduce these negative impacts?
What is your organisation currently doing to help prevent foot and ankle injuries?
Did you know that after back injuries, foot and ankle injuries are the most common workplace injuries in occupations with prolonged standing?
Having researched the most practical and effective ways to assist in negating the above factors we have developed a program that can make a positive difference in your workplace.
Our strategy includes:
Purpose designed app delivering injury prevention and management information including - correct footwear choices, strengthening program and simple steps to help ease tired sore feet to prevent them becoming a long-term issue
Specifically designed foot orthotics - to reduce the stress and increase the comfort from standing all day
Massage roller - eases discomfort associated with standing and undergoing repetitive tasks
Stretch band - improves the flexibility and mobility of your employee to ensure they can perform at their optimum
Compression splint – promotes lymphatic drainage of the lower limbs and reduces tightening of the muscles
Organisations who implement positive employee cantered programs have been proven to have a happy, healthy, and productive workforce.
Make sure your organisation can reap these rewards.
We are currently working with the following industries and have specifically researched and addressed each group in our program:
Healthcare - hospital and aged care
Retail - small and large businesses
Traffic control
Below is our proposal for each industry and a video overview. Each proposal includes a well researched and evidence based approach to assisting each industry.
If your organisation is interested in exploring this further or you require more information please contact us: or
If you are in a line of work that we have not yet addressed, please feel free to reach out and we will be happy to consult with you.